February 10, 2020UncategorizedThe Good Book Club resumes this Sunday! All are welcome!Read MoreThe Good Book Club resumes this Sunday! All are welcome!
February 8, 2020UncategorizedHow to serve the marginalized, right here, right now! By Jeffrey BoyceRead MoreHow to serve the marginalized, right here, right now! By Jeffrey Boyce
February 7, 2020UncategorizedRecord crowd at Annual Parish MeetingRead MoreRecord crowd at Annual Parish Meeting
February 2, 2020Uncategorized“Batter up” for Shrove Tuesday pancake supperRead More“Batter up” for Shrove Tuesday pancake supper
February 1, 2020UncategorizedDOK Quiet Day with meditations is the ideal preparation for LentRead MoreDOK Quiet Day with meditations is the ideal preparation for Lent