Who We Are

Saint Andrew’s is one of over one hundred Episcopal faith communities in the Diocese of Olympia, which includes all of Western Washington, from Canada to Oregon, from the Coast to the Cascades.
We trace our roots to the 16th century Reformation in England.
We are part of the ‘one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church,’ so our heritage is both deep and wide.
And while our vision is global, our mission is local.
We have a particular history in this place, among these people.
Ours is a ‘living Tradition,’ steeped in our inherited wisdom, shaped in a changing world, celebrating treasures both old and new.
And this generation of members and leaders aims to live faithfully today, asking always: 
Who would God have us be? 
What would Love have us do?




We are a ‘networked Church,’ drawing strength, common purpose, and direction through our diocesan, church-wide, and global connections.
Learn more about those connections here.

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