
Connecting with the hands & feet of God.

We cultivate the heart and mind of God within us not only to deepen our love for God, but also to deepen our love for others.

Following the example of Jesus, we love others with a servant’s heart, always asking ‘What would Love have us do?’

At Saint Andrew’s, we support our members’ efforts to discern how best to serve with this servant’s heart in their own lives – how to show up as people of faith.

There are some things we do together because they cannot be done alone, and there are some things we do alone because they cannot be done together.

One is not better than the other.
Whether in your private life or in your public life, whether at work or at play, whether in solidarity and witness or in activism and advocacy, HOW you show up matters.

This page aims to connect you with resources and opportunities for cultivating your servant’s heart.

Service at Saint Andrews

Coming soon.

Celtic Faire

Our Celtic Faire is St. Andrew’s main fundraiser of the year, and it needs many volunteers to help it run smoothly. It’s also a great way to make friends and get to know more people at our church! Please put a check by any area where you would like to help. This year’s dates are October 19th and 20th.

Service at Home

Coming soon.

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Saint Andrews Tacoma