Vestry Update – Susan Rowe

The October meeting was held at Marian Warren’s home to host a Vestry Dinner to thank Father Tom for his ministry with us.
• We opened with a prayer.
• The financial reports were presented and approved. Our actual income and expenses are better than budgeted. The budgeting process for 2024 will start in November.
• The Transition for Father Paul is underway. Estimates were obtained for moving expenses; Father Paul and Erica decided to use PODS to move to decrease cost. Joe received verbal confirmation that the Diocese will give a grant to help with moving.
• The contract for the copier was discussed. The vestry decided to stay with the same company, new copier, fewer copies per year, caution with use of color copies, estimated savings of $200 per month, or $2400 per year.
• The contracts and fees for use of our building were updated and approved.
• There are transition parties planned to say goodbye to Father Tom, cleaning of the grounds in October, and the welcoming of Father Paul.
• An estimate was obtained to replace the sanctuary window that is cracked.
• The purchase of an AV monitor was approved to be able to leave the computer in-place for use in the services.
• Tom+ reviewed the CAT survey results from a year ago and highlighted the progress that has been made.
• We have requested of the Diocese a letter of separation for Father Tom and Saint Andrew’s to begin 10/31/2023.
• We need to recruit vestry members. The annual stewardship plans need to be started in October.
• Kitchen renovation Phase 1 is underway and mostly done.
• The Celtic Faire is planned for 10/21/2023.

Saint Andrews Tacoma